The Nine Princesses
A revised edition of The Nine Princesses is available on Wattpad and can be read for free. Chapters are updated weekly.
Their kingdom had no king. And their castle had no servants.
Nine girls, all orphans, were adopted by the king of Runa, one from each of the nine kingdoms ravaged by Red Fever. They grew up as sisters, and as royal princesses, with a loving king and queen replacing the parents they had lost.
Until they were orphaned again.
Though still in their teenage years, the nine princesses find themselves alone for the second time. They must learn to manage a castle and kingdom with no help from anyone else - not even from servants, who all abandoned the girls right after their parents' death.
Maelyn - the eldest princess - is determined to keep them together. But how can she protect her family when scornful nobles, roving bandits, buried secrets, and sibling rivalries threaten to tear the sisters apart? So distracted by her troubles, Maelyn can't even notice the royal messenger has taken an uncommon liking to her, and a festering plot to unseat her is underway.
The Nine Princesses shares the adventures of a family of sisters whose personalities clash like swords, growing up in a kingdom often hostile to their humble origins. Expect romance and intrigue and mystery and heartache in this enchanting tale of a unique blended family.

Sinful Cinderella
I'm not who they think I am. A docile girl who meekly obeys her stepmother and stepsisters. Some kind of sick angel who cheerfully bears their mistreatment. That's what I WANT them to think. Because then they won't suspect what I'm really up to.
The ball, the prince - it's all part of my plan to come out on top. Stepmother and her demented daughters will pay for every floor I have scoured, every sneer I have borne. They don't know about the white magic, how I use it to enhance myself. They can't see that my heart is black as midnight, rotten as a poisoned apple.
They're about to find out.

Sneaky Snow White
Cinderella killed my father.
She thinks she can do anything because she’s the Evil Queen. And my stepmother. The only thing she truly loves is her Demon Mirror. But the more she gazes into that thing, the crazier she becomes.
But I am no longer a child. I won’t allow the Evil Queen to poison my heart and my home. Although my skin is white as snow, my soul is far from pure. I will make Cinderella suffer for her sins.
Sure as my name is Snow White.

Rotten Rapunzel
I have been in this tower for fifteen years. Snow White has frozen me inside it and covered the rest of our kingdom with ice and snow. I can’t remember what summer is like. And I have never seen people or had a friend.
It’s not fair. I’m a princess, the daughter of Cinderella. This kingdom belongs to ME. Not to the nasty new queen who’s taken over. Snowy ruined my life, she doesn’t care about me. She only keeps me because I cry magic tears.
I have to escape. Have to take back the palace before my lost twin gets it. Have to punish Snowy for wrecking the kingdom. Have to make at least ONE stupid friend. And I really have to do something about my hair.

Bad Beauty
Three years under a sleeping curse. Unbelievable. Woke up to a ruined kingdom, a ruined life. I know exactly who did this. And I will rip out her hair by the roots.
Now I’ve got a horrible Beast to deal with. A nasty witch in the Wood. And a man who still won’t admit he loves me. If I’m to take back the kingdom, I will have to end the darkness, starting with the person who poisoned us all: Cinderella.
She is NEVER coming back.
I may be beautiful as a rose, but my thorns are deadly sharp.

Monster Manor
The kids at school call him "Monster". Twelve-year-old Mo is the school bully - and darn proud of it. That's before he finds himself homeless and forced to move to the only place available: a building called Monster Manor.
At first it's all cool. Giant apartment, creepy forest scenery, nice girl across the street. Then Mo meets the tenants and the shock hits harder than a drunken landlord: real monsters, everyone. Cyclops, dragon, fairies, werewolf - and a Minotaur maniac with a taste for tormenting Mo.
Before you can spit, Mo goes from bully to bullied. The Minotaur knocks out everything Mo's got - his confidence, his safety, his friendship with the new girl. Like it or not, Mo's got to face it that two monsters have to be stopped here: the bully in the building, and the bully that he is.
Monster Manor is a coming-of-age novel in which the bully learns firsthand just how "monstrous" his bullying really is. Add a cast of unconventional monsters (such as the agoraphobic dragon and the cyclops with his own medical practice) and Monster Manor is a fun tale for middle-grade readers.